Beautiful Ways To Honour Lost Loved Ones At Your Wedding


By Khushboo Motihar Last Updated:


Beautiful Ways To Honour Lost Loved Ones At Your Wedding

Weddings are a celebration of two people coming together to become one for the rest of their lives. But amidst all the joy and revelry, you may suddenly feel a tinge of sadness. Especially if someone you know has just passed away or you miss the presence and blessings of your grandmother or grandfather on your special day. Well, instead of feeling sad, you can honour the loved ones in your own unique way. Here are some tips for you.

Raise a toast

If you have recently lost someone, you should raise a toast in their memory. Try to make the people remember what a great person he/she was, recall some anecdotes from their life and ensure that people remember that person not with tears but with a big smile on their faces. This is a great way to cherish the memory of your loved one and to feel their presence in your celebrations.

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Image Courtesy: Tana Photography (left), (right)

Keep some things personal

Did your grandmom give you a special set of earrings on your eighteenth birthday? Or do you still have a little trinket that reminds you of your departed uncle? Then wear these things on your wedding. Many couples don't like to make their loss obvious. So, wearing the jewellery that the deceased once gave you or carrying a small token of their memory in your clutch will make you feel close to them.

A table of photos

Keep a special table during your ceremony where you can display the photographs of the person whose memory you wish to cherish. Place some beautiful flowers around it and after your ceremony; ask those gathered to spend two minutes in silence to remember them.

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Image Courtesy: Studio EMP (left), Apertura Photography (right)

Keep an empty seat

If your loved one was present, he or she would have definitely been sitting at the table right next to you, celebrating your happiness. Keep an empty chair with the person's name and photograph on it to honour him/her.

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Add a personal touch

Every person has a favourite food, and you can feature your loved ones favourite food in your wedding menu. If your grandfather was fond of kheer then ask your caterer to make it the way he liked and place a note near it, mentioning that the kheer has been made in his honour. If not food, you can always add something that the person loved in the wedding decor. If your favourite aunt who has passed away loved roses then decorate your venue with them. You can even place your departed loved ones favourite flowers as the centrepiece at each table.

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Make a donation

If you were very close to the family member who has passed away, you can honour their memory by asking your guests to contribute to a charitable organisation in their name, rather than getting you gifts. Or, you can cut down a portion of your wedding budget to give the money to a cause that was close to your departed loved one’s heart. This is a special and a noble way to remember and honour your loved ones.

But, do not dampen the mood

A wedding is not an occasion when you host a memorial in honour of your loved ones. It is important to remember them but you should not let the sadness dampen your or your guests’ happiness. You may miss them terribly, but you should not feel guilty when you are enjoying yourself. Dance, eat and make merry; even as you remember the person who was so close to your heart.

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Keep these simple tips in mind, add your own unique twist to them and honour your loved ones on the most special day of your life.

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