15 Homemade Recipes And Natural Tips To Have Sparkling White Teeth Before Your Wedding


By Jasleen Kaur Last Updated:


15 Homemade Recipes And Natural Tips To Have Sparkling White Teeth Before Your Wedding

When you meet someone, the most natural reaction is to greet them with a smile. So, when it comes to posing for photos on your wedding day, it is your smile that would turn the moments into beautiful memories.

And with that smile, your teeth get the most attention. So, here take a look at some great ways to achieve sparkling white teeth naturally.

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Causes of tooth staining

Homemade recipes for teeth whitening

In order to treat the grossest problem that is yellow teeth, you first need to know the causes behind the issue. Basically, your teeth are covered with a thin layer of enamel, which is usually of white colour. And then, there is a lower layer after it that is known as dentin, which is yellow in colour. This dentin layer is revealed when your enamel wears out.

The reason behind the wearing out of enamel is one’s unusual lifestyle, dietary habit and oral ones. The ones who consume dark-coloured beverages like tea or coffee, and even smoking in excess suffer this. In addition to this, biting your nails, grinding your teeth, and consuming too much of sugary drinks and soda can also lead to yellowing of teeth.

Foods that cause tooth staining

Here is a list of food items that may lead to tooth staining, and you must avoid them in excess consumption.

  • Wine (both red and white)
  • Berries (blackberries, pomegranates, blueberries, and other intensely coloured fruits)
  • Sauces (deeply coloured sauces like that of curries and tomato)
  • Tea
  • Sweets (popsicles, chewing gum, candies, etc.)
  • Sports drinks
  • Cola

Now, move on to some natural ways to get rid of the yellowing of teeth. Read on!

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#1. Strawberry

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

These tasty berries are a great tooth whitening tool. Well, we have even heard that Hollywood star Catherine Zeta-Jones swears by it. Just mash a few strawberries and rub the yummy paste all over your teeth. Rinse it off with water after 25-30 minutes. You will be surprised when you see the results after regularly using this paste on your teeth.

#2. Apple cider vinegar

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

This is good for removing even the stubborn stains from your pearly whites, especially those caused by nicotine and caffeine. Just dip your toothbrush in apple cider vinegar and brush your teeth with it. After this, do gargle your mouth properly to get rid of any acidic residual. You can also use apple cider vinegar as a gargle solution.

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#3. Celerys

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Celery is one of the most effective vegetables to get shiny white teeth. Chewing raw celery is great for your teeth. It is almost like a message for them. Celery dislodges the plaque that might have settled on your teeth, leaving them clean. Apart from this, tiny fibres of celery that get stuck in between your teeth act as a natural floss as well. So, time to add this vegetable to your grocery list, we say!

#4. Salt

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Salt is a great ingredient to add to your teeth whitening kit. Just sprinkle some salt on your toothbrush while brushing your teeth to get them sparkling clean. It is best to use either table or sea salt for this. You can also mix a pinch of salt with a teaspoon of baking soda to make teeth whitening mixture. Rub this on your teeth with your fingertips. Baking soda is another good teeth whitening ingredient.

#5. Vegetables

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Apart from celery, there are many more vegetables say, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, etc., that are all natural teeth cleansers. It is best to eat a raw vegetable daily to keep your teeth white.

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#6. Fruit power

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Not just veggies, but even fruits are good for your teeth. Pears and apples are the best of the lot. And, yes, we already told you about the goodness of strawberries. Chewing pears and apples increases the secretion of saliva that helps to keep your teeth clean and white. So, add these fruits to your daily diet starting from today.

#7. Orange peel

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Orange peels are also good for your teeth. Just rub the inside of an orange peel on your teeth to get them sparkling white. You can also dry the orange peels and grind them into a powder to add it to your daily teeth cleaning ritual. Yes, use this powder daily to see effective results.

#8. Water

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Water is not just great for your health, but for your teeth as well. Water keeps your mouth hydrated and reduces acidity too. Sipping water in between your alcoholic drinks and while eating dark, pigmented foods will keep your teeth clean by preventing them from staining.

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#9. Say no to certain aerated drinks

15 Homemade Recipes For White Teeth

Aerated drinks work like poison for your teeth. The acid in these drinks robs you of the upper layers of your tooth, which contain calcium and phosphorus, thus weakening your jaw bones. Make sure you avoid black coffee as well because it will stain your teeth, which will steal their shine and make them look dull.

#10. Avoid alcohol and smoking

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Smoking is not only bad for your body, but also for your gums and teeth. Yes, drugs, alcohol and smoking can cause major issues to your teeth and gums. They can cause the erosion of the enamel from the teeth that will make them look old. A lot of people who smoke suffer from gum issues in the future and so it is best to avoid smoking, drugs and other forms of tobacco as much as possible to get sparkling white teeth.

#11. Hydrogen peroxide

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Blessed with bleaching properties, hydrogen peroxide helps in instant whitening of teeth. All you need to do is include the ingredient in your regular dental regime for over a week to 10 days to see the results. Mix a cap full of hydrogen peroxide with a glass of lukewarm water. Just swish the mixture in your mouth for a minute or two to get the desired results.

#12. Lemon

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Yet again we have another ingredient that is enriched in bleaching properties, which eventually helps in getting rid of teeth staining. Mix 1 lemon and 2 teaspoons of the salt well to make a paste of it. Now, massage your teeth (gums if you want) for a while to get shining white teeth like never before. Let the mixture stay on your teeth for 3-4 minutes. Then, rinse off with warm water. Do this practice two times in a week for outstanding results.

Caution – Do not overuse lemon as it contains citric acid, which might corrode your tooth enamel if overused.

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#13. Charcoal

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Activated charcoal has the ability to remove tannins, which is present in most of the food items we eat. What the porous surface of charcoal does is that it attracts unwanted material and holds them in its pores. This eventually leaves the area around it neat and clean, without affecting the enamel of your teeth. Mix 1 teaspoon of charcoal powder and a pea-sized amount of toothpaste together to make a mixture. Brush your teeth with it. You can do this twice a day or at least once in order to see the improvements.

#14. Ginger

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Ginger is rich in vitamin C and also the property of rhizome in it successfully helps in whitening the teeth. You just need a rhizome of ginger and make a paste out of it. Let the paste sit on your teeth for a couple of minutes. And then, rinse off your mouth with cool water. You can use this magical homemade recipe thrice a week to get the best results. Since ginger is hot basically, do not overdo it as it might burn your tongue.

Caution: Do not keep the paste on your teeth for too long, lest the tannins present in it would stain them rather than whitening the teeth.

#15. Coconut Oil

Homemade Recipes For white teeth

Although there is no science behind the fact that how effective coconut oil can be for teeth whitening, it’s going on since our grandmother’s times. All you need is 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Pour it in your teeth and swish it for over 10 to 15 minutes in your mouth along with cool water. For the best results, do this practice daily.

Frequently Asked Questions

#1. How to get sparkling white teeth with home remedies?

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a little toothpaste. All you need to do is brush your teeth with this mixture and rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. Brush your teeth with this gritty mixture for at least twice a week. Also, you can sometimes combine baking soda with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar.

#2. How to make teeth white with a banana?

Banana is one of the most effective and cheapest ways to make your teeth white. Bananas do not have the abrasiveness that other natural whiteners have. You can either brush your teeth with your regular toothpaste or can use the banana peel first and then do it. Take the piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub it around your teeth for over 2 minutes.

#3. How to get rid of yellow teeth permanently?

It is practically proven that a paste made of soda and hydrogen peroxide removes the plaque build-up and bacteria in order to get rid of stains. All you need to do is mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and make a paste out of it. And finally, rinse your mouth after you brush your teeth with regular paste.

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So, with these certain dos and don'ts in mind, get sparkling white teeth naturally to flaunt your pearly white with pride and grace!

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