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Have you been in a long-term relationship with your guy and are still waiting for him to pop the question? Well, if he is not coming clear with his feelings it does not necessarily mean that he does not want to get married to you. Men, sometimes are not able to express what they feel and so just delay their moves! If that is the case with your man too, do not prolong the wedding just because he did not ask you first.
If you are sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with him and also that he will not shy away from this commitment, then take the reins in your hands. Here are some interesting ways you can use to propose marriage to your guy.
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A beautiful way to make your man feel emotional and warm is to recollect the beautiful memories of your relationship. Make a video of your favourite moments together. Add some heartfelt and emotional words to that (text or voice), and make a wonderful proposal out of it, ending with ‘Will You Marry Me?’ Throw a surprise party and invite your common friends over. When he comes, switch off the lights and just play the video. When he reads the question at the end, he will certainly be shocked and surprised. After he says the ‘yes’, slip an engagement ring on his finger. He will also be happy that all his friends are around to witness this happy moment in his life.
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Men love sports. So, why not make use of it? Suppose your guy loves football or cricket then on a weekend, with the help of your close friends, plan a football or cricket match. You and your close girl friends can dress up as cheerleaders. During half time, perform a short cheerleading act shouting out your feelings and in the end, put up a handmade board that reads ‘Will You Marry Me?’ This gesture will completely surprise him (in a good way, let’s hope) and will most definitely make him win his match too!
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If you have a guy friend who is planning to propose, share this: How To Plan The Perfect Proposal For Your Girlfriend Based On Her Zodiac Sign
Most men do not remember details, such as the day you met or the first date location, etc. But, these were stepping stones to your relationship, and therefore important. So, why not use these details to propose him? Take your guy to the place where you both went for your first date. Try to wear a similar outfit and hairdo that you did the first time around. Let him realise how far you both have come since then and are still going strong. Then just when the time is right, get down on your knee and pop the question. After the yes, celebrate with champagne!
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‘A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ is an old, but very effective, saying, so use this to your advantage. Surprising your man with a delicious and lavish home cooked meal will definitely do the trick. All men love deliciously cooked food. Plan a candle light dinner at either his or your place, and have his favourite songs playing in the background. After you are through with the meal, ask him to marry you very casually to throw him off his feet. His good mood due to good food will make him say yes, without a doubt!
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Well, you are already twisting the tradition by proposing him, so why not go a step further. Ask for his hand in marriage from his parents? Tell them how you feel about him, what all you like about him and why you want to spend the rest of your life with him. Just as you might want your man to ask your father’s permission and get his blessings, you can twist the tradition by its ear. End the speech by promising his parents that you will love him, stand by him and be his companion for the rest of his life. This will definitely make your man laugh, smile and maybe get teary-eyed too (hopefully!).
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Marriage is a commitment that two people make to stand by one another, no matter what. Proposing marriage is therefore a big deal. If you have second thoughts about your guy or feel that he does not seem to be as committed in the relationship as you are, then asking him to marry you would be a bad idea. But if it is the other way around (the positive way, of course), don’t hesitate from doing so. Use these five awesome ideas and add more love to your already blossoming relationship!