How To Become Truly Beautiful

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Aug 14, 2011 | 00:00:00 IST

I’m sure that you’re expecting to find make-up or diet tips within this article. I mean, a wedding is the day the bride is supposed to be at her best, no? And beauty is all about the way you look, right? So if you have the latest designer clothing as part of your trousseau, along with the right skin creams, lipstick, eye shadow, mascara, etc, you will make a beautiful bride who’ll turn men’s heads and other women green with envy, right? WRONG!


Why do you criticize yourself so much?

After all, at no time in history has so much pressure to be effortlessly attractive and sexy. How many of us have looked in the mirror critically, and thought, “I would be pretty only if I didn’t have that mole/ a softer jawline/ a cuter nose.” Nor does the media do anything to ease this pressure. Rather, it is intensified by the media, with pictures of glamorous Bollywood beauties adorning every magazine page/ web site. Of course, the abovementioned Bollywood beauties have a dedicated army of personal trainers, dieticians and make-up artists (not to mention talented Photoshop technicians) at their beck and call whose sole purpose is to ensure that they look good in their photo shoots.


So don’t be so hard on yourself. Stop craving self-perfection. Buying the latest lotions, creams and powder won’t help you be a better person. The only way to make yourself truly beautiful is to start within. 

What makes a beautiful bride?


Your fiancé fell in love with who you are, not what you look like. After all, you two will be spending a lifetime together. You will eventually grow old, put on weight, get wrinkles and start farting in your sleep. Do you think your husband will stop loving you then? Of course not!

A truly beautiful woman is one with rarefied class and charm—“a lady” is the best way that I can describe her. Funny, challenging, nutty, brainy, spontaneous, provocative, courageous, adventurous - all can add up, beautifully, to a challenging and confident young woman. Something about the way she carries herself suggests a confidence, a self assurance, a deep seated faith in herself and her abilities, that makes her absolutely irresistible to men, and may inspire envy in other women. Her facial symmetry, or lack thereof, is irrelevant, since the grace and poise with which she carries herself is riveting and draws all eyes to her. 


How do you become such a beautiful bride?

Continue reading below

So are you ready to take the first step on your journey to becoming such a woman?

The first step is to avoid and ignore negative influences to your inner beauty. If our inner thoughts are repeated often enough, we come to believe them, and we become what we believe. Silence your inner critic. The kind of confidence that creates that inner glow cannot be imitated with all the creams in the world. Let go of envy. All the energy and attention you spend being jealous of others, for whatever reason, is energy you could be spending focusing on cultivating your inner peace, and help you to convey that inner glow.

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