How To Know You Are With A Loser

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Nov 17, 2011 | 00:00:00 IST

No one ever said that it was easy searching for a mate. After all, every girl has dreamed about her wedding day since childhood. And while searching for Prince Charming, the odds are that you will run into a few frogs. The trick is to recognize them for what they are when you do meet one of these specimens and walk away as fast as possible – after all, marriage is a serious decision, and a misstep at this stage could have major repercussions for the rest of your life.


So how do you know if you are with a loser? Just ask yourself the following simple questions about your guy. If the answer to any one of them is in the affirmative, then you need to seriously reconsider your relationship.

Does he criticize you frequently?


One surefire way for losers to feel better about themselves is to try and put others down. They are never happy unless the people around them are miserable. There is even a psychological term for this – it is called schadenfreude.

If your guy makes fun of you or criticizes you in public and tries to pass it off as a joke, then he is a loser. Someone who truly loves you would support you in all your endeavors, and not try to pull you down.


Does he try to control your friends?

Losers have a tendency to try and isolate their victims… I mean, girlfriends. Does your guy constantly ask where you have been and who you were with? Does he try and get you to drop contact with all your friends? Losers care only about themselves, so they will try and isolate you from your friends, who might actually try and use their influence with you to get you to dump your loser boyfriend or fiancé.


A good partner will try to build a new life together with you, and not try to separate you from your family and friends.

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Does he have a roving eye?

You know what the most irritating thing in the world is? When the guy that you are with is ignoring you and obviously checking out other girls.

Does he think that you are too fat and need to shed a few pounds? Does he think that you are too dark and need to invest in some fairness cream?


Well, it is human nature to think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but only losers don’t cherish what they have. Besides, you will be left high and dry if he decides to try his luck and … umm, sample other wares one day.

Is he absolutely unwilling to compromise?

Does he always have to have everything his way? That is not the way a relationship works – after all, it takes two to tango. Only losers insist on having their way – or threaten to show you to the highway.


Are there any more telling signs for a loser that you think I have missed out on?

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