Ice-Breakers For The First Meet

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Oct 16, 2011 | 00:00:00 IST

Arranged marriage system in India is simply beyond understanding. How on earth one is to decide whether he or she can spend the rest of the life with another person just within a couple of meetings? The situation gets quite scary when you do not know what to say or how to go about talking and talk you must. How else will you know about the person and take all that crucial decision of your life?


These ice-breaker tips come in quite handy irrespective of whether you are on a date or about to meet your prospective life-partner, one whom your parents have searched for you.

Take the initiative: Remember how Shahid Kapoor started the interaction with Amrita Rao in the movie Vivaah? You may have to take the lead and begin the conversation or else the awkward silence between the two of you won’t come to an end. Simply asking the meaning of other person’s name can lighten the moment quite considerably.


Be Chivalrous: Women always like chivalrous and well-mannered men. Therefore, you have got to observe all the behavioral mannerisms and avoid being constantly on BBM or attending calls while interacting with her.

Look for Similarities: No, we aren’t talking about matching eye colors or the number of flings you’ve had. You can build up a good and interesting conversation by finding common hobbies, like travelling or reading or movies.


Music Mantra: Music is known to transcend boundaries and there is no reason it can provide you with excellent stuff to talk about and know each other in a better way. Discuss your favorite music artists and music albums.

General Likes and Dislikes: Seek out more information by asking about likes and dislikes. Go about it nicely: neither too subtle, nor too candid. Ask if she likes to eat out or her favorite cuisine or her favorite season of the year.


Don’t Try too Hard: Some people are naturally reserved or shy. Don’t rush them or force them into talking. Rather, give them time to open up and interact naturally with you.

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Family Talks: You can ask the guy about his family, who he looks up to or admire the most. However, don’t ask too personal questions or such questions that may leave a bad taste in mouth.

Common Topics: There is so much happening around the world and everybody has an opinion on the most common issues. Ask the person about his opinion on some of the popular issues and listen to them very attentively, and appreciate them or counter them honestly.

Show Genuine Appreciation: Whether or not you’ve made your decision, be considerate towards the other person and appreciate even the smallest gestures. Just saying that someone looks pretty is not enough. If he holds out a chair for her, thank him genuinely. Similarly, in a typical Indian style, she pours a cup of tea for you, thank her warmly and look genuinely pleased.

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