Know Your Wedding Carbon Emissions

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Apr 26, 2011 | 00:00:00 IST

Global warming is increasing at an alarming rate and the effects of it are already on display, what with different natural calamities and nature’s vagaries occurring around the world. Vast scale industrial activities without the use of cleaner sources of energy surely add to the emission rate. However, did you know that your Big, Fat, Lavish Indian Wedding harms the environment in more ways than you can think of?


Estimated amount of emission

Ideally, the total amount of carbon emissions generated in an average wedding is estimated to be in the range of 60 tonnes to 80 tonnes. The extra lavish and resplendent weddings generate more than 100 tonnes of emissions. Add to this the simple fact that you are not alone who is getting married or who is excited to make it as grand as the resources permit. Now can you imagine the harm you are bestowing upon the Mother Nature?


Well, in our discussion on green weddings, we had already talked about the ways in which you can reduce your carbon footprint by adopting various environment friendly approaches towards your wedding planning and arrangements. Here we will talk about offsetting your carbon footprint when all the methods of reducing it have been exhausted. Even with the most environment friendly ways and means, there is bound to be the generation of high amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds. There are many application tools available online that can help you calculate the total wedding carbon footprint.

When and how to offset?


Carbon offset is the option of last resort, to be implemented after you have tried all ways to reduce the carbon footprint through various activities. Contact a local offset provider company or brokers who deal in national carbon exchange. If you deal with local offset provider, then do not just blindly pay the money to compensate the emissions. Ask the company about the activities the money would be invested in that will help in counteracting the carbon additions.

Generally, forestation and clean energy projects are the two most popular areas of investment, the latter being quicker and more effective in restoring the carbon cycle. Moreover, ask for the national and international certification because the global carbon market is still not developed properly. On an average, the offset rate is estimated at $17 per tonne of emission, however, it is subjected to governmental policies of different nations.

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