Questions To Ask Your Would Be Fiance

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Aug 25, 2011 | 00:00:00 IST

If you have watched Munnabhai Part 2, do you remember the advice that he gave to the girl who had to decide whether she wanted to marry the guy after only 1 meeting? He told her to watch how he treated those beneath his social status to judge his true character.


That may not be possible in real life, but you still need to judge the real character of your would be fiancé in a short amount of time to realize whether a match between the two of you would be compatible or not.

So just ask the following simple questions:


Money Matters

1. What is his final monthly in hand income?


2. Has he taken any loans that he is paying off? How many more years does he have to pay off the installments? What about credit card debt?

3. Is he okay if you have a separate bank account?


4. Will he allow you to financially support your parents after marriage?

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5. What is the kind of savings he has on a monthly basis?

6. If you are a working woman, how much of your salary does he expect you to contribute for monthly expenditure?

7.  Is he a spendthrift or a miser? How much does he spend every month on extras?


Career Questions

1. How many jobs has he switched till date? What are the reasons for switching the jobs?

2. If he gets a job overseas, will he take it even if it doesn't offer him a family status?


3. How ambitious is he? Is he willing to do what it takes to become the CEO of his company one day?

4. What are his work timings?

5. Will he be okay with your work timings & continuing your job, even after you have kids?


Medical History

1. Has he had any serious childhood health illnesses like typhoid or tuberculosis?

2. Is there a history of any hereditary disease in his family like diabetes, heart disease, etc.?


3. Will he take a test for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases with your family doctor?

Social/ Cultural issues

1. How often does he visit the temple/ gurdwara/ church (any place of worship)? Will he expect you to go with him and vice versa?


2. Does his family have specific rituals (pujas and otherwise) that you would necessarily have to be a part of? Is it okay if you are not a part of it?

3. Are both of you going to live with his parents? Can you live away from his parents after the wedding?

4. Does he drink or smoke? If yes, how much? If no, has he tried it in the past? How long ago?

5. How well does he fit into your family circle? Is he a killjoy with your folks?


A word of warning: You probably won’t get a straight answer to these questions. Instead, you may have to watch and observe his behavior to find your answers.

1. Does he check out every woman who passes by?

2. How does he treat the elders & the youngsters of his own family?

3. Does he have a temper? Does he get violent when angry?

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