Rohit Sharma's wife, Ritika Sajdeh revealed their son, 'Junior Hitman's name in the most adorable way possible. And guess what? It's very similar to Virat Kohli's son, Akaay.
Rohit Sharma got married to the love of his life, Ritika Sajdeh, in 2015. The couple got blessed with a baby girl, Samaira in 2018, and it's in 2024, when the trio's family was completed with the arrival of their baby boy. After much speculation, Rohit announced the arrival of his little one with a cutesy post on his IG handle, and cricket fanatics were overwhelmed by thinking about Rohit and Virat's baby boys' partnership. Well, recently, the second time mommy, Ritika revealed the cutesy name of Rohit and her son, and it's all things adorable.
Taking to her IG handle, a few minutes ago, Ritika Sajdeh shared a photo featuring her Christmas decoration. In the photo, atop a Christmas tree, a cutesy home was made, and the caricatures of four family members were placed: parents, a baby boy, and a baby girl. Well, it was such a cute way of Ritika to announce her baby boy's name, as on the top of each family member, they had their names, such as Rits for Ritika, Ro for Rohit, and Sammy for Samaira. Moreover, it was the baby boy who was named Ahaan, and it seems like Rohit and Ritika chose this cutesy name for their baby boy. Well, while it can't be determined if it's the little one's nickname or not, we are in awe of the same.
It was on November 1, 2024, when Ritika Sajdeh took to her IG stories and shared a photo of two tiny and furry winter footwear, and there's no doubt that this pair was for the little member of their family. For the unversed, Rohit and Ritika are yet to share the first glimpse of their little one.
It was on November 16, 2024, when a day after his baby boy's birth, Rohit took to his IG handle and announced the same. He shared a poster, which was made in the theme of the iconic American sitcom, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. In the poster, we could see the family of four sitting on the iconic couch of the series. Not only the poster was similar, but the announcement was also made in the F.R.I.E.N.D.S way, as Rohit mentioned, "F.A.M.I.L.Y, the one where we are four". For the unversed, in the series, each of the episode's names begins with 'the one where..' and it's clear that Rohit and Ritika belong to the fan group of the series.
Soon after Rohit Sharma announced the birth of his baby boy, netizens rushed to the comment section and congratulated the cricketer. They started to call the newborn the 'Junior Hitman'. Not only that, but the cricket fanatics couldn't stop thinking about witnessing Rohit and Virat's sons bond on the cricket grounds just like their cricketer fathers.
We are in love with Rohit and Ritika's son's name!
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