Tips To Make Yourself A Positive Person

By Team BollywoodShaadis Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012 | 00:00:00 IST

We are now living in a world where everything around us, gives us stress and anxiety. Life has become more complex and with this factor of anxiety, we are unable to think practically and take correct decisions about life and things larger than life. For instance, the maid does not turn up and we start to get worried and perturbed, because no one wants to get back home and see it lying in a mess. Once we have such situations at the back of our minds, we are unable to perform well whether in our work places or relationships. Here are certain simple tips about making life more positive;


Think, eat and sleep positivity

It is most natural for us to react to the negative events in life. That is how we are made and this is what disturbs us the most whether consciously or unconsciously. So the only way to work on this issue is to literally, think, eat and sleep positivity.

Just set and tune your mind to look over the negative issues and only see the brighter side. Just try once in a while to tackle a difficult situation with a calm mind and you will only realise that the whole issue might not be as difficult as you were interpreting it to be.


Example: When your maid does not turn up, go ahead and eat at a restaurant, you wanted to for long. Simply enjoy that moment rather than cursing your stars over it.

Think of the worst case scenario

There are times when you might think, if this thing does not happen, the world might come to an end! Trust me, the world never comes to an end and neither will things ever go so bad for you.


Example: Your marriage date is coming close and you have not been able to shed as much weight as you had targeted, so what? You will still be you and you will just look as lovely as always on your grand day with or without those extra kilos. Keep a next target for your first anniversary, and you might get more compliments about how gorgeous you have become post-marriage. At the end of the day, it’s all about how to think and comprehend every situation.

Attract Positivity

One of the most important changes which you can consciously bring about in your life is to keep yourself surrounded by positive people. It makes a huge difference when the group you hang around with, are cheerful rather than those who sulk and crib about every second thing. Both negative and positive thoughts are contagious, so if you have to get infected, let it be the good one. Having positive people around you not only makes you anxiety free but also a very calm and satisfied person.

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