How To Get Your Body Back In Shape After Pregnancy


By Team BollywoodShaadis

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#5. Move out of popular misconceptions; don't neglect sleep

#5. Move out of popular misconceptions; don't neglect sleep

Many people insist that new moms should not sleep during the day in order to have a peaceful sleep at night. This is nothing but a popular misconception. What if your baby decides to keep you awake most of the night? Not getting enough sleep leads to being constantly tired, and this slows down your body's metabolism drastically. The body’s ability to lose weight is compromised as a result. Therefore, make sure you take a couple of naps during the day to feel recharged.

Follow these simple tips, and watch the added kilos drop quicker than you imagined!

Next Read: 5 Things Every Soon-To-Be Mom Should Know About 'Pregnancy Glow

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